Dzhon Daly
From Portland’s Kachka, one of the best Russian restaurants in the USA, comes a perfect fall cocktail.
  1. Combine everything in a shaker tin with lots of ice. Shake and strain into a chilled coupe. Also makes a nice toddy variant if you serve it hot!
Ingredient Manufacture
  1. Buckwheat Infused Brandy

    1 cup uncooked buckwheat
    1.75 liters Korbel Brandy

    Toast buckwheat in the oven at 375 degrees for 5 minutes
    Add buckwheat to brandy Let sit for 2 days Strain

  2. Black Tea Concentrate

    1/4 cup of black tea (e.g Russian Caravan)
    1 cup of hot water

    Let steep per the tea’s instructions
    Strain and let cool